tl;dr: I use Beeminder to track some of my more important goals.
Note: This page is at least several years out-of-date.
Beeminder is an awesome tool for tracking progress on your goals (read more here). Below are my current Beeminders.
You can find more details on Beeminder’s site. In short the goal is to stay on or above the “yellow brick road.” ((At least, that’s what my goals all happen to be right now, because they all use the “do more” goal type.)) The large number in the top left represents the number of days I have until “derailment” (“veering off” the yellow brick road, and therefore failing to meet your goal). The large bottom right is the total money currently at stake—how much Beeminder will charge me if I fall off the yellow brick road.
Active Beeminders
exercise – at least three sessions per week, usually climbing
Exercise at least three times per week. “Exercise” means any activity that fits a certain cluster of ideas.
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meditate – at least 30 minutes total per week
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Old/Completed Beeminders
write – at least 1,000 words per week
Anything written outside of my normal day-to-day activities (e.g. emails). Right now, this primarily measures words written in my daily log.
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exercise – at least three sessions per week, usually climbing
Exercise at least three times per week. “Exercise” means any activity that fits a certain cluster of ideas. Examples are climbing, Krav Maga classes, yoga, HICT, etc.
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pushups – at least twenty first thing every morning
Very first thing every morning, do at least 20 pushups (pushup style varies by day). Followed immediately by meditation.
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meditate – at least 60 minutes total per week
Restarted 2014-05-24.
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anki — at least 100 reviews / week
This one is a bit tentative right now, since I’m in the process of purging and restarting with Anki. I stopped tracking this because I wasn’t actually finding the tracking helped motivate me to use Anki, and I review almost exclusively on my iPhone, but the Beeminder syncing plugin only works on the desktop version of the software, which caused annoyances.
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hict — at least four high intensity circuit training sets / week
Measured in completed 7-minute high intensity circuit training (HICT) circuits.