There is a large, hidden side to our brains. Understanding how it works and what it does is key to improving our thinking and deciding.
We have this amazing ability to think without thinking. Not literally think without thinking, but thinking without thinking that we’re thinking.
Let’s try that again. We are often thinking, but because we can’t feel or notice this thinking, we’re not aware of it.
While walking down a street and chatting with a friend, you’re not thinking, “Right foot, left foot, right foot – stay balanced! – left foot, right foot…” Yet you walk without difficulty, taking thousands and thousands of steps without fault, and you’re keeping a conversation, and you’re aware that your friend is in a good mood, and you notice a car approaching from the corner of your eye. All of this is the furthest thing from an effortful task. How much could your brain really be doing if you don’t feel anything happening in there? [click here to keep reading…]