I’m writing a series that highlights key material from LessWrong.com. This post is based on Generalizing From One Example by Yvain. “Everyone generalizes from one example. At least, I do.” –Vlad Taltos (Issola, Steven Brust) Have you ever been confused by someone’s personal preference for having things spotlessly clean? How about filthy and disorganized? We […]
Self-awareness – knowing what you believe and why
In my self-awareness posts I write about our brains as seen through the lenses of evolutionary and social psychology, neuroscience, and beyond. Only by understanding ourselves can we improve ourselves. Worldviews are a useful tool here for mapping out our beliefs, and then critiquing them and improving them.
Some specific topics covered are: evolutionary & social psychology, neuroscience, biases, heuristics, clarity, values, history, culture, worldviews, beliefs